Democrats have failed to show up in rural America with policies and candidates that appeal to voters. It doesn’t have to be that way. There is a lot of speculation right now about what is going on in rural America. The perspectives vary wildly from the Hunger Games to the […]
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Commentary: What the White Debate Stage Says About Racial Equity
My response to Cory Booker—the last self-identified person of color with real potential to win the nomination—dropping out of the presidential race is proof positive that I am an idealist. I forget sometimes that I and those who are on the journey to racial equity and anti-racism are but a […]
Read MoreNew York Times’ Rural Economics Analysis Omits a Wealth of Options
New York Times writer Eduardo Porter says it’s time to face “hard truths” about the rural economy – it may not be fixable. Roberto Gallardo, who has worked in rural communities on digital development and inclusion, says Porter’s cold-hearted analysis leaves out lots of different approaches. EDITOR’S NOTE: This weekend the […]
Read MoreWhite Nationalist Groups Are Really Street Gangs and Law Enforcement Needs to Treat Them that Way
Law enforcement has a classification problem, and it’s making America more dangerous. For the last two decades, local police and the FBI have categorized the criminal activities of white power groups as isolated incidents or hate-related. We believe that’s wrong and leads to a lack of understanding of the power […]
Read More20th Century America Is Never Returning
The 1950s nirvana of unionized manufacturing jobs is gone forever, no matter how successful the Trump agenda may be. America’s geographic divides are becoming politically entrenched, as this election reminded us — and the economic forces driving the division aren’t going away. We’re not returning to a 1950s nirvana of […]
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