“I let my fingers do the walking and the strings do the talking.” Leo ‘Bud’ Welch: When I’d be playing, I be playing from my heart — not from my skin, or from my body, but from my heart. I don’t think there’s nothing more joyful in the world than music. […]
Read More100 Days, 100 Voices
‘I think God sent Trump to help us’
On March 4, a ‘Trump / Spirit of America Rally’ was held at the Knoxville’s Victor Ashe Park. We talked to supporters of President Donald Trump to find out why they chose to attend. About 75 people were at the Knoxville event. It was one of about 50 such rallies across the nation, […]
Read More‘You don’t fight hatred. You stand firm in love.’
Lieselotte Heil, Twana Jackson, and Ashly Bargman share their thoughts about the significance of getting along and their hopes for President Donald Trump’s term. We spoke to the three at Lewisburg’s Martin Luther King celebration and share their thoughts on this last day of Black History Month. All live in the […]
Read More‘There’s a reason we’re baptized in water’
There’s no doubt our water is in the news. President Trump recently reversed a stream protection rule. Municipalities around the nation struggle with aging water systems. And according to preliminary totals from the Beverage Marketing Corporation, the U.S. drank more bottled water than carbonated soft drinks in 2016. Bottled water volume […]
Read MoreWhy Bernie? Why now? People share their reasons to hear Bernie Sanders
It was a sellout, according to Dan Carlisle, manager of Taylor Books in Charleston. All 2200 tickets to the lower level at the Charleston Municipal Auditorium were purchased days in advance for $27 each. “We low balled it. We could have sold more,” he said of the speech for Sen. […]
Read MoreThese Republican and Democrat millennials show us how to get along
Broken friendships and strained relations have become a common story of today’s political divide. Millennials Anissa Coury and Jordan Ball offer a different perspective. Coury, 27, is a Republican who voted for Donald Trump. She is the executive director for the American Congress of Real Estate of Pittsburgh, and is […]
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